My Dream

John Keane
7 min readJun 8, 2019
Photo by Alana Harris on Unsplash

I had a dream.

A boy of perhaps 8, crouched on a rocky outcropping jutting from a white sandy beach at the head of a tropical lagoon. He was looking into crystal blue water at colorful fish darting about. He was pale skinned with short blond hair. His light blue eyes, seemed to sparkle with curiosity, framing his slightly sunburned nose and cheeks. He gazed intently at the busy scene below the surface of the crystal clear water, poking occasionally with a stick to stir the fish into frantic motion. As he stooped, his short sleeved, button down, dark blue shirt draped over the white shorts he wore — since he had unbuttoned it at some point during his investigations at the shore. His chest and legs too, were lightly burned reflecting the happy early morning hours spent in the tropical sun investigating coconut trees, exotic flowers, elusive tree monkeys, and scurrying crabs. His bare feet shifted a bit as he looked up and across the slightly dimpled and placid waters of the lagoon.

The boy was startled for a moment as he spied a girl about his own age that had stepped out of the palm trees and onto the beach, perhaps 50 ft away and across the corner of his lagoon. He thought of it that way. This, up till now, had been his place. But, in an instant, his world and his perceptions had changed when the girl stepped onto the white sand. He stood, gazing with intense curiosity at the girl. It was “the” girl, he knew — although in his innocence he did not know what that meant.

She turned and began to trot down the beach toward him. He smiled as he realized he would have a companion to play with in this heretofore private adventure. He had no awareness of how long he had been there. He did not think about time. He just was. This day just was. He had not felt lonely, or even recognized loneliness as a thing to feel prior to this moment. But he did feel excited by the presence of the girl. It was a delicious feeling that opened up an unexpected stream happiness inside him, like the channels of light that filtered through the lagoon’s crystal clear waters.

As the girl approached to within a few feet of him, she stopped, clearly a bit winded. He thought she was marvelous. Her olive skin and thick and unruly shoulder length jet black hair contrasted strongly with his own pale complexion and blonde hair. Her deep dark eyes shone with a contained excitement as her smile broadened. She wore a bright red t shirt over light blue shorts. The boy was struck, by … something…. instant affection… a desire to know her… recognition of a kindred spirit… the thrill of something new…. perhaps all these things at once. He reached out his hands slowly, as if concerned he would scare away the fascinating apparition. She answered with her own. When their hands met, a thrill of recognition swept through both of them. Their smiles broadened, as if they were sharing a private joke, until they both burst into laughter. The sweet peals of childish giggling broke the solemnity of the lagoon, like a bell chime interrupting the stillness of a liturgy in a majestic cathedral. The girls smile and dark eyes delighted him, and he felt that his world was suddenly much bigger and ripe with possibility.

Suddenly, as if embarrassed, they dropped their hands and looked down to break the apparent trance. Then, with a little shake, as if throwing off her embarrassment of a moment before, the girl looked up and said, “lets play!”, with an even bigger grin. Without waiting for a response she rushed past him and dashed down the beach toward the path opening next to a stream. Her tanned arms and legs, and waving tangles of black hair tugged at his heart for a moment and he ran after her grinning from ear to ear. He caught up as they turned on the path heading away from the lagoon and charged up a hill into the palm trees like soldiers rushing into battle.

Over the next hour they ran across his island. No, it was no longer his island. He had thought of it as his, but it was now clear that until the girl had entered his world — it was not fully alive. Now his world was awakened, and with the girl at his side he was seeing things that were somehow familiar and new at the same time. How long had he been here? He did not know. Had he always been alone? Again, he had no idea. But it was clear that her arrival had changed everything.

They followed the stream through the palm trees and scrub brush up to a grassy plain where the trees disappeared, to be replaced by green knee high grasses and short stubby bushes. They next dashed across the fields, startling rabbits and prairie dogs and other small creatures as they laughed and hooted during their progress. They ran across the grasses and into a forest of great trees spreading limbs high above their heads and reaching out as if to embrace each other and join in a great dance. The canopy of silvery branches and dark green leaves above grew thicker as they slowed to a walk. The forest grew murkier, and after stopping for a drink at a chill stream, they headed deeper into the forest — unconsciously reaching out to hold hands again as they stared up at the majesty around them. The boy and girl pointed in wonder at the occaisional shafts of brilliant light that seemed to spear down from heaven through the dense foliage here and there, while birds darted about chirping their musical song, and an occaisional troupe of monkeys screamed at them in outrage over their intrusion.

They passed a pond in an open glade drenched in sunlight, where a young doe looked up at them in astonishment, as if wondering at the temerity of the children interrupting her drink. Little blue, red and yellow flowers dotted the banks of a small stream that fed the pool, while butterflies, bees and other insects darted about, busy with their own pursuits — oblivious to the boy and girl gaping.

As they continued back into the forest, the path climbed steady uphill as the grass thinned and the trees grew taller. Some time later, at the top of the hill, they spotted an especially old tree reaching higher than the others. They rushed forward when the girl spied a staircase winding around the trunk up to a platform high above. The boy felt that he knew this place, but given the murkiness of his memories prior to the girls arrival, he was not sure. Hand in hand, the boy and girl climbed the stairs around and around the tree as they made their way up to the platform overhead. When they reach the top, they both gasped in delight as they took in the covered porch which extended around the bole of the tree as it continued its journey up into the heavens.

To their delight they found that the porch had comfortable chairs and couches. There was also a table covered with fruits of all colors, an assortment of nuts, a large loaf of crusty bread, a wedge of cheese, fresh honey and a chilled pitcher of juice. They did not question the feast laid before them. It all seemed correct. After eating their fill, they sat on the edge of the porch gazing across the forest top stretched our below them toward a distant snow capped mountain that reached into the mid day clouds. They contemplated the scene before them for some time, then laid back on the comfortable couches, falling asleep.

The boy and girl awoke in mid afternoon, and noticing the growing shadows, suddenly felt the need to return to the lagoon. They hurried on their way, but not without pointing out to each other the occasional bird, forest animal or interesting flower that they encountered. The day was darkening into twilight as they reached their lagoon. They both felt a sweet sadness as they made their way to the boys small shelter, and thought about their day. They lay down on grass mats and talked about the wonders they had seen.

As darkness approached and their eyes grew heavy to the sound of the gently breaking waves, the boy realized that he was unsure what this night’s sleep would bring. Would he be alone again in the morning? Would all this turn out to be a dream? He felt a pang of fear and sadness at that thought. Sensing the boys mood, the girl took his hand again and gave it a squeeze — as if to say that she too knew his uncertainty and concern. As he turned his head and looked into her dark eyes, he felt a shiver in his heart and knew that all would be well. He was sure that they would be together in the morning, even if the lagoon, the meadows and forests were no more. As the stars begin to twinkle and fill the night sky above, he felt the presence of his heavenly father surrounding them and tucking them in with his love. They drifted into slumber.

I awoke from my dream, and reached out to feel the reassuring presence of my dear one. She slept peacefully, and the cool breeze blowing in the window on the pale light of a waxing Moon seemed to carry the love and reassurance that I needed. I felt the presence of our children and offered them up in turn to their heavenly father and protector. And as I pictured each in turn, joy crept into my heart, and I could not contain my smile.

In this magic hour, I felt that anything was possible, and I felt such peace as most never find. Minutes later, having entered this sacred space and explored the depths of my heart — I fell back asleep — a smile on my lips.

I knew in my heart that the lagoon was still there, and that in the morning I would look into the girls lovely dark eyes and once again know contentment.



John Keane

Husband, Dad, Rocket Scientist, Retired Military, Space Alien.